Asset Management & Integrated Logistics Support

An asset management strategy will empower your business with information that will allow you to confidently project forward earnings and expenditure based upon the usage of that asset.  Armed with this information you are in a position to drive the changes to your business unit. In this period of shrinking budgets and greater scrutiny from boards and stakeholders, the emphasis on fiscal prudence has never before been under greater scrutiny.

Accordingly strategic, intelligent and fiscally responsible investments in capital assets need to be undertaken that address the longer term cost of the investment against the return. To ensure you achieve this goal, a tailored and robust asset management strategy will provide stakeholders the information required to make an informed decision on the value of the asset to be inducted on your asset register.

Goal Group has decades of experience supporting asset management in both commercial and Defence sectors. Defence related asset management terminology is Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) and it applies throughout the Defence acquisition life cycle. Goal’s experience ensures efficiencies are delivered to Defence and commercial clients by supporting asset management approaches both above and below the line from the point of early planning thru tendering and in-service support.

It’s all about enabling the Operational Concept thru exceptional ILS approaches

Asset / ILS management principles are based upon sound engineering and process disciplines used today across many government and infrastructure utilities. The development of an asset management strategy will empower a Defence Program or your business with information that will allow you to confidently project forward earnings and expenditures based upon your usage of an asset over its lifetime.

Within ADF Programs, ILS approaches plan and direct the identification and development of logistics support and system requirements for military systems, The ILS management process spans the acquisition life cycle including specification, design, development, acquisition, test, fielding, and support of systems.

Goal consultants have extensive and proven skills in Project Management, Supportability Analysis, Asset Maintenance Analysis, project-based finance, Operational Management and Integrated Logistics Support, across all industries including Manufacturing, Defence, Aerospace and Infrastructure projects.

Defence ILS Experience

ILS activities which have been supported by Goal Group partners and employees include:

  • ILS Plan development and tender support
  • Reliability engineering, maintainability engineering and maintenance (preventive, predictive and corrective) planning
  • Supply (spare part) support acquire resources
  • Support and test equipment/equipment support
  • Manpower and personnel
  • Training and training support
  • Technical data/publications and Technical Work Instructions
  • Computer resources support including Cyber resilience
  • Facilities development and support
  • Packaging, handling, storage and transportation

Goal Group partners and employees can support your organisation in supportability analysis; life cycle costing; reliability centred maintenance; level of repair analysis; criticality analysis; spares optimisation; maintenance requirement analysis; and supportability information management. All these services ensure you can maximise the maintainability, reliability, and availability of your key assets.

Goal’s Approach to Integrated Logistic Support

The Needs Phase

At the needs phase, we translate our clients’ priorities into a range of products and services which our staff then work to develop. We then identify the value these proposed products and services contribute to the development of our clients’ objectives on both the large and small scale.

The Requirements Phase

Working within the defence sector, and on other large-scale projects, the project approval process is often managed in a gate process. The typical two-stage gate process would include first and second pass approval gates. Goal Group is endowed with accredited gateway reviewers who have developed a range of effective first and second pass documentation.

The Acquisition Phase

Goal Group’s team includes contract and procurement specialists who will be involved in the preparation of a number of documents for the solicitation, as it relates to supportability.


Within this stage of an asset’s life cycle, Goal Group is able to provide experienced practitioners who offer reliability, availability and maintainability analysis; reliability centred maintenance analysis; level of repair analysis; maintenance and operation task analysis; maintenance planning; spares determination optimisation; support and test equipment determination; packaging, handling, storage and transportation analysis; facilities analysis; and disposal requirement analysis and the actual disposal project management and implementation.